
www.inbstravelonline.com owns the copyrights for the web designs, layouts, etc.

All images and content found on this site are being used for providing information and promotion purposes only and fall into one or more of the following categories:

1. Publicity Photos: Publicity items include graphics, logos, publicity sound clips and publicity videos etc., which were originally used for promotions/public relations purposes, and are being used to publicize and promote India as a destination.

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Once photos and information are submitted to inbstravelonline.com, the submitter is granting inbstravelonline.com permission to use the photos, pictures, or images deemed necessary by inbstravelonline.com. Any promotional use of photos is granted to inbstravelonline.com. All photos, pictures, and images submitted to inbstravelonline.com are agreed to be within the submitter’s ownership and copyrights. Submitting any photos, pictures, or images to inbstravelonline.com is agreeing to grant permission to use copyrighted material on inbstravelonline.com. inbstravelonline.com cannot and will not be held responsible for any legal consequences of images submitted by its users.

3. Public Photos: Taken from sources believed to be in the public domain like pixabay.com, pexels.com, unsplash.com, Incredible India and other websites. These images, which are widely distributed for free use on various Internet web authoring sites, are freely available on the world wide web and have been compiled from various public media sources or have been submitted by users of the site through e-mail. We ask that images submitted to inbstravelonline.com by users are free of copyright or are original images owned and/or created by the individuals submitting the image and, therefore, any image submitted to inbstravelonline.com is free of copyright unless otherwise notified. Submission of original material, to inbstravelonline.com, explicitly implies permission of the further unrestricted use by inbstravelonline.com. It is assumed that all such images are indeed public domain, but since such images are passed around freely between sites, it is not always possible to trace them back to their original source. It is possible for copyrighted material to inadvertently end up on public domain sites.

Photographs have been merged / modified in order to capture the true essence of India, which inbstravelonline.com wishes to portray.

In the event that there is still a problem or error with copyrighted material, the break of the copyright is unintentional and noncommercial and the material will be removed immediately upon proof. If you are the owner of material that appears on inbstravelonline.com please send proof to info@inbstravelonline.com and the material will be removed promptly. However, if you are the owner and would rather credit be given for the material, instead of removal, we will gratefully give the appropriate credit desired.

inbstravelonline.com respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same, inbstravelonline.com cannot and will not be held responsible for any legal consequences of images submitted by its users.

Please be as detailed as possible when sending email, as to the picture number, the reasons why copyright has been violated, etc. Any copyright matter will be resolved immediately.



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If there is anything on inbstravelonline.com that you have a question about, please feel free to contact us at info@inbstravelonline.com

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